How to convert a V8 engine into a table? [video guide]


Using old car parts to create furniture or decorations is a creative way to style any car enthusiast's home. The V8 engine is perfect for this, as it can be transformed into an elegant table. Mateusz Doniec, the author of this instructional video, demonstrates this convincingly.


Using old car parts to create furniture or decorations is a creative way to style any car enthusiast’s home. The V8 engine is perfect for this, as it can be transformed into an elegant table. Mateusz Doniec, the author of this instructional video, demonstrates this convincingly.

With a table like this, even a quick coffee takes on a whole new meaning. We’re proud that the devices available in the expondo store were used to bring this project to life. Among the tools Mateusz used are:

You will find even more DIY inspiration on Mateusz’s YouTube channel. You will learn, for example, how to make a sliding gate or how to refresh an old milling machine. You can find all the videos here:

Are you a craftsman too? If you would like to share your story and show other experts how tools from expondo shop support you in your craft, let us know! Feel free to share you story by contacting us: [email protected].

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